Monday, November 10, 2014

Out of comfort zone

There is a question.....
Will you be ready if you are asked to be out of your comfort zone?

At the first place, I don't think so........... especially when it will happen really really considerably within short time, say 3 months or sooner, or else if you have already knew the time.... I don't know what to say.... Probably, I will just sit on  my couch, holding a cup of coffee and letting it cold, keep thinking " What should I do? Am I ready? How is the time going so fast? Do I still have enough time to do this or that?" All of sudden, tons of  questions come up and let you drown in fear about not being in comfort zone again.
Some people will do anything to keep them for staying in their comfort zone, and perhaps it's fine. Others will see it as an opportunity to grow.

I like being in comfort zone. Who doesn't? 
Being in comfort zone, staying comfortably in "happiness" is human nature. What kind of happiness is the next thing. I believe that truly happiness comes as a by-product of doing the right things in life, such as having the right habits, the right thoughts, the right beliefs, the right decision, the right actions, or having the right people around you. You need to grow and contribute and create value for others in order to be truly happy ( Dalai Lama )

So.... instead of just sitting on the couch, I turn on my music account, get some paper and start making a list about what I can do, what I will do, what I should do...
After that.... I can see the good picture of this opportunity and more focus on what I am about to gain, not just giving up . Also I can see the obstacles, but I know what I need to do. It deletes "I can not", "I do not want to", or "It is too difficult"

Everyone has their own comfort zone, their own state of happiness, opportunity and challenge.
Out of comfort zone could be just a simple thing or something very challenging that push you to make a huge decision, and by taking that challenges, you will realize that you can do more than you can do.

I believe that sometimes we have to be out of comfort zone to learn something and do what we need to do as a part to make us know about ourselves better, keep growing and lead to "true happiness".

At the end.... it is a choice "how to answer the question"

"If we're growing, we're always going to be out of comfort zone" - John C. Maxwell

Reference : Myrkothum - 5 surprisingly comfortable ways to get out of your comfort zone

Wednesday night,
at another favorite place to write..........

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